South Manchester Book Group

We're a friendly and open reading group, and we share a love of books and discussing them with other people. We meet every fortnight, but you don't have to come to them all. It's dead simple; choose a book you like the sound of, read it (or even part of it) beforehand and turn up with a few ideas and money for beer / wine / flirtinis. It's very informal, and we're quite a friendly bunch.

We meet at a pub in Didsbury around 8 pm. We can usually be found on the table with the books and flirtinis.

We've become rather popular recently so unfortunately aren't accepting new members just at the moment. But please drop us a line on the Contact Us form and we'll add you to our mailing list.

Our reading list, past, present, and future, appears here and a short version of what we’re reading next is here.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Mr. Phillips - John Lanchester

Mr. Phillips - John Lanchester


Sue Donim said...

What a brilliant choice for a book.

Fay K Name said...

I agree Sue ! This is the choice of a brilliant mind !


I imagine your bookgroup is full of witty and observant conversation.

If only it were accepting new members !

Norm Deploom said...

fab choice ! better than some of the other toss that's been recommended