New members are extremely welcome. Just turn up at one of our meetings — you'll find us huddled over books and pints / flirtinis.
We meet every other Thursday to taste the sweets of lit’rature — and wine but there's no pressure to read every book.
We overwhelmingly read fiction, but have on occasion read non-fiction.
We choose books every few months by consensus or flouncing out.
Our first recorded book was The Signalman which we read in December 2005, but the group's origins are earlier than that and mist-shrouded.
In early 2005 posters went up around Didsbury and South Manchester advertising a new book group. At the first meeting though everybody was a lal surprized when the posterer didn't turn up. The meeting was held and people carried on meeting for a few months, but the group fizzled out sometime between February 2005 and September 2005, probably due to a lack of flirtinis.
The posterer never returned. This was the old Withington Book Group of late infamy.